
Suggestions for your move

Start preparations ahead of move-in day as this will give you peace of mind when that date approaches. Check move-in times in your building and in your neighborhood for loading and unloading times. Verify that the management service is canceled. Coordine with the administration of your building or residential complex, the corresponding authorization for the removal of your move in origin and destination. Confirm to your bank, credit cards and subscriptions, the change of address and telephone numbers of your residence. Moving prepare a small suitcase, with some personal hygiene items, clothes and some non-perishable food to make that day easier. Make sure you have cleaned and defrosted the refrigerator 24 hours before starting the move, since it must be completely dry to prevent mold, odors and damage.

    On the day of your move it is important that all the appliances are disconnected. In case of having children, organize the day of the move who will take care of them, since the move is stressful for the whole family and even for pets. the list of valued inventory of furniture and fixtures, with values as close to reality as possible to secure your belongings.

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